Hello, I'm Todd Espiritu Santo. I'm married to the awesome Ariel Espiritu Santo! This is my awesome website! It's pretty fancy, no?
Rather than bore you with a bio, here's a picture I told my computer to draw:
Making the wings was tough. It took a bit of research and many failures to finally get it right. But now, as a bonus, I know the anatomy of many bird wings and why feathers overlap on one edge vs. the other. Also bird flight takes a lot of energy, which is why many birds will actually climb up a steep incline instead of just flying to the top. Some scientist use that as evidence of how... Oops, I got distracted...
And here are animated wings!
And that's probably the best bio I can give you about me and how I think.
Remember how sites in the 90's always had a links section? Well... I'm bringing that back!
This is a personal side project I use to learn new things and also to make my wedding invitation animation. I basically built a 2d canvas engine (bamboo) that handles key frame animations, a scene graph, and shader passes. For the app, I built a generic app framework (water) for dealing with object manipulations using a command pattern. Then I glued the two together with a "panda" application layer (I'm so clever). I used angularjs (v1... yeah it's dated, but fortunately not a large part of the app) to handle dom updates and event propagation. The css for the app is 100% custom coded.
For the backend, I first wrote it in django with a sql database. But I got stuck with getting websockets working for realtime collaboration, so I switched to nodejs and mongo.
I built the custom theme. It is my playground at trying out design so that I'm a well rounded web developer.
I wrote a 3d engine for Android in Java. What was I thinking? This was a fun project I created to learn Android programming and instead ended up making a 3d engine that was able to run on phones back in 2010 in Java. Here's an image from the desktop editor written using the god awful Swing UI library for Java. Really... what was I thinking? Anyhow, those are particles orbiting in two gravity fields.
This was a side project to make an iPhone game. That is pretty much all that remains of that project.
I was a 3d artist once upon a time.
I'm a pretty popular guy. Just look at those twitter follow counts :P
And that's a wrap!
Hmm... I think I forgot something...
Oh yeah!
It's a ROBOT with a MINI GUN! And it can walk!
Ok, adios!